Please contact me and together we’ll create the most effective plan to move you forward.
Empowered Coaching
What is Coaching?
Coaching is a professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations, helping them to bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be. As a Coach, I partner with my clients to design the life they want, bring out their own gifts and resources so that they can achieve excellence and create purposeful, extraordinary lives. By creating clarity, I assist the client to move into action, accelerating their progress by providing greater focus and awareness of all the possibilities which exist to create fulfilling and empowered lives.
My Empowered Coaching involves the ability to understand you: to completely take myself out of the equation and to think how you think and understand your perspective. By listening and asking questions, you become stretched to see a more empowered way. As a Founding Partner and certified John Maxwell coach, I can see what you are going through now and what is up ahead. Coaching is foreseeing, paving the way, coming alongside you while assisting you to achieve goals and overcoming limiting paradigms.
Two Coaching Options:
Individual Coaching-
one on one, private and confidential coaching.
When I am working with you privately, it is my highest intention to help you reach your purpose, vision, and goals by working through John Maxwell’s programs specific to your needs. Together, we create a strategic powerful plan for you to gain clarity through a weekly process including interaction and accountability.
Group Coaching-
small group, in person or via webinar/video technology.
The power of group coaching comes from the entire group’s input in thinking and the magnified richness of the discussions. This results in developing solutions that are above and beyond what any individual can create. The cohesive bond that is formed empowers each person to develop the leader within and shine in a safe environment that nurtures the group as a whole. It is an experience unlike any other.